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Showing posts from September, 2019


Alex Robinson Put down that mug of coffee and pick up a cup of tea. A new study  conducted by researchers at the National University of Singapore suggests regular tea drinkers have better organised brains than their non-tea-drinking friends. The study, published in the  scientific journal Aging , analysed the neuroimaging data of 36 seniors and found those who drank tea regularly had less age-related decline in brain structure. Past studies have shown drinking tea has health benefits, such as preventing cardiovascular disease. It’s also been shown to improve cognitive function. Assistant Professor Feng Lei, who led the research, said in a press release the new study explains why this is: improved brain organisation. “Take the analogy of road traffic as an example—consider brain regions as destinations, while the connections between brain regions are roads,” he said. “When a road system is better organised, the movement of vehicles and passengers is more efficien


Once a hen lays a clutch of eggs, instincts take over. They constantly fuss over them, adjusting them just so throughout the day and rarely leaving the nest for more than a few minutes. Motherhood is a big responsibility for a young hen – if she’s the least bit neglectful, her babies will never hatch. Or worse, they may hatch with deformities. Modern chickens, it turns out, are not always very effective mothers. Whether it’s genetic or culture, who knows, but they get distracted, other hens oust them from their nest, the rooster comes by… there’s no shortage of things that can go wrong. For this reason, most farmers and backyard chicken enthusiasts don’t trust incubation to their hens, they take it upon themselves to do the brood work instead. You can also buy day-old chicks and skip the incubation process, but it costs more. Plus, why would you want to miss out on an opportunity to experience one of life’s miracles? Step 1 – Set Up an Incubator Depending on how many eg


A cup of milk A new study shows prehistoric British farmers may have been some of the world’s first milk drinkers. Researchers  at the University of York  have found milk proteins from cows, sheep or goats in the teeth of British farmers who lived 6,000 years ago. The revelation is the earliest direct evidence of people consuming animal milk anywhere in the world. Given that genetic research suggests people living in that time and place could not digest the lactose in milk, researchers believe these early milk consumers were making cheese and other products. “Because drinking any more than very small amounts of milk would have made people from this period really quite ill, these early farmers may have been processing milk, perhaps into foodstuffs such as cheese, to reduce its lactose content,” said Dr. Sophy Charlton, the lead author of the study. Farming in Britain emerged during what’s known as the Neolithic period (from 4,000 to 2,400 BC). During that time, people star


Is it Mississippi State University or Glasgow University? Whichever  affiliated institutions We were told back then that if we read so well even to the point of dying on our books and we come out with good grades we would be given access to study in universities abroad. Those were the things my parents saw and wanted their child to study in Moor Plantation, but in the long run even after graduating with one of the best cumulative graduating point average of my time through God's grace the college came up with a news that the past students who were given the opportunity had soiled the path for us. Please, should every disciples be murdered for the sins of Judas Iscariot? Or should all Nigerians be killed for the sins of the Boko Haram sects? NO! " AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS The federal college of Animal Health and Production Technology, Ibadan has an affiliation with ther highly reputable universities for the transfer and training of the college Higher National Diploma (HN


Greatest gbo gbo! Greatest gba gba! Greatest shiwon! Greatest Fedanimites! Greatest Moorites! Should we fold our hands and watch? Should go back to our parents/guardians with parts of our body lost? Should we wait and see until when going to night-class becomes something of the past? Should we rely on the Man'O'War group who are involve in perpetrating misconduct in this college? Should your going out and coming in be left to the fate of one cultist group? Common! I say NO. We will no longer wait for that Dean of the Student Affairs with questionable characters to ensure our security. He had given us promise upon promises to ensure our safety but lo and behold they are not forthcoming. We need our uprising to revolutionize Moor Plantation. Moor Plantation must be free from the hands of tyrants and scoundrel. WHAT DO YOU SAY?


I could remember when we all wanted to be recognized with Moor Plantation, then it was a pride to behold. Parents gladly tell their friends about their children's admission to this college and how they would come back to change the sorry state of their community through innovative agriculture. They were glad because they believed that whenever a domestic animal is ill in the community their children will be called upon, infact they would look upon them as a God of their community, but overtime this has changed. Products of this citadel are becoming nuisances everywhere. Graduates of animal health technology can no longer handle a diseased animal, please tell me what do they study for good 5 years? animal production technologists can no longer give you an accurate feasibility study of starting up just a poultry farm. And annually these graduates are produced, they embarrasses us in their place of primary assignment during their youth service. They do the same when being employed