I could remember when we all wanted to be recognized with Moor Plantation, then it was a pride to behold. Parents gladly tell their friends about their children's admission to this college and how they would come back to change the sorry state of their community through innovative agriculture. They were glad because they believed that whenever a domestic animal is ill in the community their children will be called upon, infact they would look upon them as a God of their community, but overtime this has changed. Products of this citadel are becoming nuisances everywhere.
Graduates of animal health technology can no longer handle a diseased animal, please tell me what do they study for good 5 years? animal production technologists can no longer give you an accurate feasibility study of starting up just a poultry farm. And annually these graduates are produced, they embarrasses us in their place of primary assignment during their youth service. They do the same when being employed in an agricultural firm.
Please tell me WHEN WILL THIS END?
I drop this message deliberately to Know about your walfare .. kindly visit me via cloudylifestyle.blogspot.com let talk ... Just drop me a message at contact us via the site "it is important"